We want to have a jamboree with as many different countries as possible represented and through our solidarity found Operation One World we will be able to help at least 370 scouts from 90 different countries that cannot themselves afford to go. Both individuals, NSO’s, organizations and companies can contribute to the fund to help even more scouts to attend. Yesterday I had the honor to go to the village Osby and the Swedish toy company BRIO to on behalf of the Swedish Guide and Scout Council receive the BRIO-award for 2010 and a grant of 25 000 SEK to Operation One World. This grant will cover the cost for almost two scouts and we are very grateful and will express our sincere thanks to BRIO and the foundation Lennart Ivarssons stipendiefond.
After the ceremony we enjoyed a fantastic guided tour of BRIO’s Lekoseum and Dag Ivarsson, son of Lennart Ivarsson, showed us old toys which gave us all many memories from childhood.
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